Thoughts on Spirituality for You

These are ideas of mine, derived from study and reflection. They are not The Truth, but are there to help guide you towards finding The Truth for yourself.

Dear You

As the world moves forward towards whatever comes next, it is important that we are authentically ourselves.

With the extra time you have, you might like to use some of it for self-reflection. And by that I don’t mean looking in a mirror and glorying in how wonderful you look (which you do xx) but looking inside yourself and seeing what you find. 

One of the things we shall consider is God (or Source, Creator, Allah etc.), who is not an old fella with a long white beard and white robes, floating around on a cloud ‘somewhere out there.’ 

Source is within each of us; within everything. It is the source of all things - us, the universe, everything, and because it is inside all things that means that everything is connected to everything else. However over the millennia this is something that we, as humans, have forgotten so are unaware of it. Perhaps by looking inside ourselves we will find that common link again. 

The other thing to be found inside is our True Self. No doubt you’ve already worked out that we all go around with a mask on. (Pretty ironic as that is exactly what the government is making us do at the moment). The mask shows the world the bits we want to be seen and hides the parts we would prefer remained in the background. To be our True Self the mask has to come off.

As always, these words are sent with love  🥰

Cynicism & Belief

So much of what I’m writing is linked, which makes it difficult to start, as there will always be bits that you need to know about already. Please forgive me if some things are a bit obscure, hopefully they will be come more clear as we go on.

Just to get us going we need a few words about cynicism and belief.

By now you know that I often talk about things that are odd or even unbelievable, but that I believe to be true. It is never my intention to make you believe all that I do, but with this it would be good if  you can retain as open a mind as possible.

For me, when it comes to something I find hard to believe it helps to put it on a shelf in my head. This way I can accept it as a possibility, but will wait to firm up what I think, maybe for a day, a year, a decade, but sometime it will come up again and I can take it down and revisit it. 

It is also worth mentioning that what we talk about here is not to be judged with the mind, but discerned with the heart. Many groups find it all too easy to  condemn things because they are irrational to our minds or cannot be proved by science. This seems like a limited view and I don’t want us to be limited here. At times we can all be blinkered by our past experiences and what we have been told; like a horse wearing blinkers, we only see a limited view of the world. All too often, society, or the media, put forward their own perspective that is not necessarily The Truth. We need to be able to discern for ourselves what we believe and therefore how we view the world. 

If an idea here seems weird, or difficult to accept, then first try viewing it with your heart. If you still don’t know, or that doesn’t work, then put it on the shelf. Of course if your heart says no, then you have your answer!

Difference Between Heart & Head

When we consider something with our head, the process includes external influences: our family, society, the media etc. We make a judgement, often using standards that we haven’t really questioned.

When we check in with our heart it is more about our inner feeling about something, maybe intuition, maybe tapping in to our Higher Self, perhaps connecting with Source/ God/ the Universe. We all know that we can get a gut feeling about something, it’s whether we want to trust and develop that feeling.


Humour me! ðŸ™‚

Using your heart to make decisions is something that needs practice, it’s like a muscle that needs working on so how about giving it a go? This week, try making a few decisions with your heart, for example:

Do I want a cup of tea or coffee?

[See if you can feel with your heart, focus your attention on your physical heart and ask the question. What do you feel that you would prefer?]

Do I want to go for a walk or watch Telly?

[My head immediately says go for a walk, you need the exercise but my heart says you need a rest (though not necessarily watching the TV!)]


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