
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Split and our Shadow

There is a universal principal that we are all one; that everything is connected. People talk abut “what goes around comes around”, there is the Buddhist belief in karma where we get back whatever we put out and in Christianity there is the lesson where we are told to ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself.’ On some level we know that we are connected. And yes, OK, it is a bit like we are all connected to a Matrix, as in the film. The point is that we have forgotten this truth and we need to remember it. The Delusion That We Are Separate Christianity has the story about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. When they are there everything is fine, they don’t know that they are different to anything else and they can communicate with everything, even animals like the snake - they are all connected. However once they eat the apple from the Tree of Knowledge everything changes.  They are thrown out from the Garden of Eden, but something else comes with this disconnectio
Thoughts on Spirituality for You